NCBCE was selected as an inaugural partner in the EVeryone Charging Forward™ program, a $30-million, 10-year initiative of the Siemens Foundation to create accessible career pathways in the EV manufacturing and charging sectors. The program was created in response to the rapid growth of the EV charging sector resulting in significant demand for skilled workers across the industry. EVeryone Charging Forward seeks to ensure and scale equitable opportunities for individuals from all backgrounds and meaningfully contribute to the decarbonization and strengthening of the U.S. economy.
NCBCE will address the training and education needs of the EV charging sector through a sectoral partnership by engaging with industry leaders and employers operating in North Carolina. Working with the North Carolina Community College System and local community colleges, NCBCE will support the design of training and curriculum, and develop pre-apprenticeship and registered apprenticeship programs in EV charging installation and maintenance and manufacturing occupations. NCBCE will partner with the Department of Public Instruction and local school districts to support high school Career and Technical Education departments align their programs with the new training.
The grant will also support financial assistance for learners through scholarships and by providing a stipend for transportation, childcare, books, fees, and equipment. Additional partners include the NC A&T STEPs4GROWTH Grant, the NC Department of Transportation, and the NC Department of Commerce. These best practices and strategies will be shared broadly through the foundation’s initiative.
Career Pathways
- Careers in Electric Vehicles (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
- "As Demand Grows for Electric Cars, So Does the Market for Green Jobs in the EV Industry" (NRDC)
Get Engaged
To join the EV Sectoral Partnership Network, or if you have any questions, email Joanne.Sullivan@nc.gov or Caroline.Sullivan@nc.gov. We will include you on any latest news, upcoming meetings, or updates!
Resources and Training
EVSE Sectoral Partnership
The North Carolina EV Charging Sector Partnership brings together business leaders from the EV industry to address improving the workforce pipeline, aligning training with industry needs, and facilitating business-to-business networking. Representatives from the education and workforce systems, Departments of Commerce and Transportation, and community-based organizations also participate in the partnership.

EV Field Technician Wake Tech Course
Get in on the ground floor of the emerging electric vehicle (EV) industry! Skilled technicians are needed to install, maintain and troubleshoot EV charging stations. The seven-week Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Field Technician program is a mix of online and hands-on instruction in both electrical systems and electric vehicle technology. Learn the fundamentals of electric vehicle charging and different levels of charging infrastructure, manufacturers and products, as well as regulations governing chargers and charging installations. Prior electrical wiring experience is required. Tuition is waived for qualifying students. The EVSE Field Technician certification is a pilot program made possible through the North Carolina Business Committee for Education and funded by a grant from the Siemens Foundation. Certification is obtained through the Society Of Automotive Engineers.
Learn more on the Wake Tech website.
Previous Sectoral Partnership Meetings
Below are previous recordings and meeting notes from our past EV Sectoral Partnership Meetings. Learn more about the work we have been doing and catch up on the latest developments!
- Raleigh – November 2023 (No Recording- RDU)
- Charlotte – December 2023 (NO Recording- CLT)
- Raleigh – February 2024
- Raleigh – May 2024
- Durham – February 2025
Clean Energy NC Talent Hub
The Clean Energy NC Talent Hub is a new outlet for both job seekers and employers/associations to connect regarding clean energy career opportunities in our state. Look for your next clean energy role in the EV space!
Job seekers can search for open job opportunities, upload their resume, set up job alerts, learn more about career paths, and research companies in our state at no cost.
Employers are welcome to post jobs (NO COST), search for resumes, and connect with candidates. If you’re an employer short on time, submit your job posting(s) HERE, and we'll post it for you within 48 hours.
Any Questions?
Contact cleanenergync@nc.gov.
Clean Energy NC Website
Our new Clean Energy NC website was designed to enhance our communication, streamline resources, and highlight our ongoing efforts in the clean energy sector. Visit our site to learn more about comprehensive facts about clean energy in North Carolina, highlighting its rapid growth and the state's advancements in this field.
Research Triangle Cleantech Cluster 2024 Cleantech Innovation Awards
"Wake Tech cohort becomes certified to repair electric vehicle charging stations"
"Wake Tech hosts new pilot program for electric vehicle field technicians"
"Wake Tech launches course for EV charging station install, repair"
Siemens Foundation - EVeryone Charging Forward™
"Governor Cooper Announces $1.677 Million in EV Career Pathway Funding"
"Siemens to invest $30 million to train U.S. EV charger technicians" | Reuters
"Siemens Foundation announces $30-million program to develop EV charging workforce" - Charged EVs
"US: Siemens Foundation to train workforce for charging sector" | electrive.com