
Unit 7: Review

Unit 7: Review

Unit Description

Students are asked to review their work from the semester and find time to strengthen any skills they feel necessary to be prepared for the A+ certification exam. They are encouraged to review their Knowledge Base documentation as a team in order to clarify their entries. The Knowledge Base review can serve as a means to self-assess their own knowledge and skills covered during the semester.

Weekly Map


Introduction to problem

Online Pre-assessment (available for student practice, as well)

Team meetings to develop project plan and goals


Review content resources with whole group

Small group and independent exploration of resources

Contribute to team project


Hands-on exploration with IT professionals

Team progress check with supervisor (using project plan)


Hands-on exploration with IT professionals

Small group and independent exploration of resources

Contribute to team project


Team progress check with supervisor or sharing of progress with whole group

Online post-assessment

Monitor progress and adjust project plan as necessary